Ini sebagai pengajaran...jangan kita ingat apa yang kita buat tak ada kesan. Setiap perbuatan ada `repercussion'.
Kita ingin menduniakan jurnal kita, tapi hati kita tak cukup kuat untuk menerima pandangan/ kritikan orang terhadap apa yang kita tulis, malah pandangan orang terhadap kita sebagai seorang insan yang baru nak bertatih dalam kehidupan.
Fifi Ain bt J...masanya dah tiba untuk Fifi Ain lupakan alam fantasi dan kembali ke realiti. Fifi Ain anak yatim yang perlu berusaha untuk memantapkan diri, berusaha untuk melonjakkan keluarga KEDUA Allahyarham J B ke tahap yang lebih baik (sekurang2nya sebaik keluarga PERTAMA Allahyarham)...bukan sekadar anak yatim yang kekurangan perhatian dan material, tinggal bersama ibu yang mengusahakan sebuah warung. Bukan sekadar anak dara yang akan menambah statistik anak muda kawin bawah umur di negeri Perlis.
Sekian...Ini nasihat terakhir dari Maknjang, biar Fifi Ain rasa cara ini kejam, ini semua untuk menyedarkan Fifi Ain bahawa semua orang ingin melihat Fifi Ain menjadi orang yang berjaya di dunia dan akhirat serta insan beradab mulia seperti mana Aruah Abah Fifi Ain mahu.
Cinta boleh tunggu...takut cinta yang kita agung2kan tu menyebabkan kita menjadi monyet cinta.
Sabarlah...dewasa dan tua akan datang tanpa digamit. Sabar dan nikmatilah hidup sebagai anak yang taat, pelajar yang pintar dan berjaya, kemudiannya sebagai dewasa yang dihormati. Nanti, jika ada jodoh dan si Akim masih cintakan Fifi Ain, kawin lah. Siapa pun takkan mengahalang, tapi masanya bukan sekarang. Dan jika dia jujur dan ikhlas dengan Fifi Ain dia akan sedar bahawa budak 14 tahun tak tahu dan paham apa erti cinta.
Ingat, dunia ini kecil dan bertambah kecil dengan setiap kesalahan dan kesilapan yang kita lakukan.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Nasihat kepada a 14 year old who thinks she is in love
Monday, September 27, 2010
It's been so long!!!
I've always enjoyed `putting pen to paper' . So it is kind of weird why I let it go for so long.
Sometimes the thoughts that flow like a raging river in my mind does not allow me to calmly and sanely express myself.
When I feel like I am obliged to do anything, I shy away or rather go across the grain...becoming unexpected and unpredictable, out of choice rather than being forced into any uncomfortable position. Sometimes hating myself in the process because I yearn for the human touch at the same time.
Am I making sense with all this gibberish talk, or does anyone think that coming of age at 49 is just way too late?
Questions, questions and more questions...will we ever find answers to our questions?
I've always enjoyed `putting pen to paper' . So it is kind of weird why I let it go for so long.
Sometimes the thoughts that flow like a raging river in my mind does not allow me to calmly and sanely express myself.
When I feel like I am obliged to do anything, I shy away or rather go across the grain...becoming unexpected and unpredictable, out of choice rather than being forced into any uncomfortable position. Sometimes hating myself in the process because I yearn for the human touch at the same time.
Am I making sense with all this gibberish talk, or does anyone think that coming of age at 49 is just way too late?
Questions, questions and more questions...will we ever find answers to our questions?
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Boleh percaya ke?
Result: Strong Heart
You have been through many storms which made you very compassionate and wise. You love to take care of others, family and friends come first.
Hmmm...Strong Heart gets tired too...
Hmmm...Strong Heart gets tired too...
Monday, April 5, 2010
Am I?
I try to write but the right words keep evading me.
Why is it that when there is like a lump in your throat, no matter how hard you try to swallow, even peristalsis won't carry it down? And why does lumps in your throat defy gravity? Why does it stay put and choke? Cos' I really need to move on...
Some things , some events stay with you your whole lifelong I guess.
Am I just being cynical, cos I'm still alive and GOD willing, have some more good productive years ahead, how am I to know this statement for a fact?
I'm not dead yet, am I?
Why is it that when there is like a lump in your throat, no matter how hard you try to swallow, even peristalsis won't carry it down? And why does lumps in your throat defy gravity? Why does it stay put and choke? Cos' I really need to move on...
Some things , some events stay with you your whole lifelong I guess.
Am I just being cynical, cos I'm still alive and GOD willing, have some more good productive years ahead, how am I to know this statement for a fact?
I'm not dead yet, am I?
Monday, March 8, 2010
Forgive~ it's easier than trying to forget
(pic courtesy of Photobucket)
" Have I ever told you that I love you?""No."
"I do."
I think about the mistake we made. I was thinking that I could forget what we did. I thought we were invincible. But now I know that the things that people in love do to each other they will always remember. And if they stay together, it’s not because they forget, but because they forgive.
" Have I ever told you that I love you?"
"I do."
Saturday, March 6, 2010
To a flower
Pic taken during our Taiping road trip
A phrase remembered from a long time ago.
~To a flower, teach me the secret of thy loveliness, that being made wise, I may aspire to be as beautiful in thought, word and deed, and so express immortal truths in earth's mortality...'
Friday, March 5, 2010
Lesson learnt~ life is shorter than you think
We had a scare, in fact it was so scary that it's 2.43am where I am, and I couldn't sleep a wink.
BB had passed out while driving his car near his kebun 2 days ago. When he came around, he got out of the car to inspect the damage cos he was sure he had hit something. True enough, he had hit some structural root, burst a tyre and damaged some under belly car mechanism.
He was so disoriented that he fell on his back, couldn't move and couldn't utter a single word.
His kebun hands, a few young guys, didn't know what to do and thankfully they called an ambulance and he was brought to the nearest hospital where it was determined that for some reason or other his blood sugar reading was 26, his pulse 109, his BP 129/57. It was quite clear that he had suffered some kind of mild MI (myocardial Infarction). In English~ a heart attack!
I don't know what he told the medical personnel there but he was released into the custody of a friend he had called earlier instead of me, not wanting to scare me.
I was not able to fully grasp the gravity of the situation as he did not say much about what happened.
Morning after, I saw how listless and tired he was although he had a fitful sleep the night before. I had to act fast and I managed to round him up to the GH nearby. At the AE, after describing what happened to him the day before, his case was coded RED and he was rushed through a series of tests and ECG and was promptly warded at the CRW ~ Cardio Rehab Ward.
After some further testing he was diagnosed to have suffered NSTEMI -Non ST Segment Myocardial Infarction , a kind of heart attack which occurs when one or more coronary arteries is partially occluded by a blood clot.
Still, I was able to accept the situation, made all the arrangements and got him comfortable at the ward. I had a good night sleep despite everything that happened as my body was just too tired running around the GH earlier.
But tonight, while visiting him, I heard that a patient in the ward was fighting for his life since 6pm. At 10 pm we heard sobbings and a voice frantically calling for her loved one. I assisted BB off his bed and went towards the voice.
She was a young woman in her very early twenties and she was sobbing her heart out. Her husband had just lost his fight and left her widowed. He was just 25....and they have a young boy of 3 whom the husband told her he missed so much.
All I could do was hold her hands and told her that it is GOD's will and for her to redho' with the situation. All the while I told myself that I was lucky that it was somebody else and not me.
Then it dawned on me, that it was not me, simply because it isn't BB's time yet. It had nothing to do with luck. Someday, somehow his time will come and if I am still around, I would be feeling the same overwhelming sense of loss this young lady was going through. At that time, I am sure there's nothing she cannot forgive him for, if only her forgiveness could bring him back to life. No matter how ill he had been, at least she had him while he was still alive.
I kissed BB's hand and cheek, told him to take care and that I will be back early tomorrow morning with his coffee. I vowed to live our lives in the future with that much more respect for the sanctity and fragility that was life.
His name was Muhammad Shahril and please give a prayer to his soul who is meeting his Maker on a FRIDAY...al Fatihah
BB had passed out while driving his car near his kebun 2 days ago. When he came around, he got out of the car to inspect the damage cos he was sure he had hit something. True enough, he had hit some structural root, burst a tyre and damaged some under belly car mechanism.
He was so disoriented that he fell on his back, couldn't move and couldn't utter a single word.
His kebun hands, a few young guys, didn't know what to do and thankfully they called an ambulance and he was brought to the nearest hospital where it was determined that for some reason or other his blood sugar reading was 26, his pulse 109, his BP 129/57. It was quite clear that he had suffered some kind of mild MI (myocardial Infarction). In English~ a heart attack!
I don't know what he told the medical personnel there but he was released into the custody of a friend he had called earlier instead of me, not wanting to scare me.
I was not able to fully grasp the gravity of the situation as he did not say much about what happened.
Morning after, I saw how listless and tired he was although he had a fitful sleep the night before. I had to act fast and I managed to round him up to the GH nearby. At the AE, after describing what happened to him the day before, his case was coded RED and he was rushed through a series of tests and ECG and was promptly warded at the CRW ~ Cardio Rehab Ward.
After some further testing he was diagnosed to have suffered NSTEMI -Non ST Segment Myocardial Infarction , a kind of heart attack which occurs when one or more coronary arteries is partially occluded by a blood clot.
Still, I was able to accept the situation, made all the arrangements and got him comfortable at the ward. I had a good night sleep despite everything that happened as my body was just too tired running around the GH earlier.
But tonight, while visiting him, I heard that a patient in the ward was fighting for his life since 6pm. At 10 pm we heard sobbings and a voice frantically calling for her loved one. I assisted BB off his bed and went towards the voice.
She was a young woman in her very early twenties and she was sobbing her heart out. Her husband had just lost his fight and left her widowed. He was just 25....and they have a young boy of 3 whom the husband told her he missed so much.
All I could do was hold her hands and told her that it is GOD's will and for her to redho' with the situation. All the while I told myself that I was lucky that it was somebody else and not me.
Then it dawned on me, that it was not me, simply because it isn't BB's time yet. It had nothing to do with luck. Someday, somehow his time will come and if I am still around, I would be feeling the same overwhelming sense of loss this young lady was going through. At that time, I am sure there's nothing she cannot forgive him for, if only her forgiveness could bring him back to life. No matter how ill he had been, at least she had him while he was still alive.
I kissed BB's hand and cheek, told him to take care and that I will be back early tomorrow morning with his coffee. I vowed to live our lives in the future with that much more respect for the sanctity and fragility that was life.
His name was Muhammad Shahril and please give a prayer to his soul who is meeting his Maker on a FRIDAY...al Fatihah
'Death will not come ahead and it will not be delayed.'
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Hauntingly beautiful
Di kala senja sunyi
Terdengar suara
Seruling nak gembala
Bertiup melagu
Tepi danau menghijau
Air membentang tenang
Hilang hati nan risau
Bersama angin petang...
Kini malam menjelang
Suara seruling hilang...
Terdengar suara
Seruling nak gembala
Bertiup melagu
Tepi danau menghijau
Air membentang tenang
Hilang hati nan risau
Bersama angin petang...
Kini malam menjelang
Suara seruling hilang...
A nice song for some cheek-to-cheek slow dance:
The song was written by an Indonesian, sung by a Malaysian, video scene of early autumn by the river Aare. Switzerland.
See? Our differences can be a thing of beauty!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Smart guy!
Does he look smart to you?
Well...I would say kinda smart looking for an elderly gentleman...but he sure is one smart guy...read why I think so...
He said:
As I grow in age, I value women over 40 most of all. Here are just a few reasons why:
A woman over 40 will never wake you in the middle of the night and ask, 'What are you thinking?' She doesn't care what you think.
If a woman over 40 doesn't want to watch the game, she doesn't sit around whining about it. She does something she wants to do, and it's usually more interesting.
Women over 40 are dignified. They seldom have a screaming match with you at the opera or in the middle of an expensive restaurant. Of course, if you deserve it, they won't hesitate to shoot you if they think they can get away with it.
Older women are generous with praise, often undeserved. They know what it's like to be unappreciated.
Women get psychic as they age. You never have to confess your sins to a woman over 40.
Once you get past a wrinkle or two, a woman over 40 is far sexier than her younger counterpart.
Older women are forthright and honest. They'll tell you right off you are a jerk if you are acting like one. You don't ever have to wonder where you stand with her.
Yes, we praise women over 40 for a multitude of reasons. Unfortunately, it's not reciprocal.
For every stunning, smart, well-coiffed, hot woman over 40, there is a bald, paunchy relic in yellow pants making a fool of himself with some 22-year old waitress. Ladies, I apologize.
For all those men who say, 'Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?', here's an update for you. Nowadays 80% of women are against marriage. Why? Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire pig just to get a little sausage!
Andy Rooney is a really smart guy!
* Andy Rooney is 60 Minutes Correspondent (CBS)
I feel GOOOOD!
Well...I would say kinda smart looking for an elderly gentleman...but he sure is one smart guy...read why I think so...
He said:
As I grow in age, I value women over 40 most of all. Here are just a few reasons why:
A woman over 40 will never wake you in the middle of the night and ask, 'What are you thinking?' She doesn't care what you think.
If a woman over 40 doesn't want to watch the game, she doesn't sit around whining about it. She does something she wants to do, and it's usually more interesting.
Women over 40 are dignified. They seldom have a screaming match with you at the opera or in the middle of an expensive restaurant. Of course, if you deserve it, they won't hesitate to shoot you if they think they can get away with it.
Older women are generous with praise, often undeserved. They know what it's like to be unappreciated.
Women get psychic as they age. You never have to confess your sins to a woman over 40.
Once you get past a wrinkle or two, a woman over 40 is far sexier than her younger counterpart.
Older women are forthright and honest. They'll tell you right off you are a jerk if you are acting like one. You don't ever have to wonder where you stand with her.
Yes, we praise women over 40 for a multitude of reasons. Unfortunately, it's not reciprocal.
For every stunning, smart, well-coiffed, hot woman over 40, there is a bald, paunchy relic in yellow pants making a fool of himself with some 22-year old waitress. Ladies, I apologize.
For all those men who say, 'Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?', here's an update for you. Nowadays 80% of women are against marriage. Why? Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire pig just to get a little sausage!
Andy Rooney is a really smart guy!
* Andy Rooney is 60 Minutes Correspondent (CBS)
I feel GOOOOD!
Sunday, February 28, 2010
February past
February is at it's tail end and this seems to be the only entry I managed for the whole month.
Time is so precious and time just seemed to have flown by me the whole month.
What do I remember this month by? I can think of about 3 meaningful events:
1) 12 Rabi`ul Awal~ The birth and death of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w
The noble soul sent as Rahmatan lil `alamin whose birthday was celebrated on the last Friday of the month. This year the celebration held so much meaning after a long while of trying to find meaning to a lot of things in my life. The Selawat we performed among the jemaah at PAKSI would hopefully gather us as His ahli syufa`ah, InsyaALLAH!
2) The meeting with Naz on her last few and precious days left in Malaysia before flying back to cold, cold Norway.
Thanks for having us Naz, and that's what you get when you haven't seen each other for ages...so much to catch up on...wish we went to see you earlier.
Though I haven't set foot on Norwegian soil, glad that my chocolates have found it's way there! We're still experiencing heat wave here and wouldn't it be just nice if you could send some snow here to bring equilibrium to the weather equation!
Salam to Trond and the kids!
3) My chocolate project which is slowly taking off with some CNY sale. So happened CNY fell on Valentine's day, which is celebrated by some, myself excluded.
A funny incident here: A friend of a friend bought herself a 15 piece box which was beautifully tied with a giant satin ribbon.
Reason: To extract some reaction from her seemingly uninitiated spouse, thinking that even if it didn't get her his attention, she would still get to enjoy the chocolates. Sounds logical isn't it? Nothing to lose and something to gain. Any smart investor would know when to bet all your chips!
Well , it did ~ cos he did give her an ~UMMM...?" when she replied she didn't know who it was from.
The thing is ...her kids didn't want her to eat the chocolates, screaming that since she didn't know who it was from, the chocolates could be charmed and she might forget all 3 of them!
Finally, she had to come clean and tell them actually she bought the box for herself!
Hmm...so much for trying to awaken the sleeping passion!
Time is so precious and time just seemed to have flown by me the whole month.
What do I remember this month by? I can think of about 3 meaningful events:
1) 12 Rabi`ul Awal~ The birth and death of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w
The noble soul sent as Rahmatan lil `alamin whose birthday was celebrated on the last Friday of the month. This year the celebration held so much meaning after a long while of trying to find meaning to a lot of things in my life. The Selawat we performed among the jemaah at PAKSI would hopefully gather us as His ahli syufa`ah, InsyaALLAH!
2) The meeting with Naz on her last few and precious days left in Malaysia before flying back to cold, cold Norway.
Thanks for having us Naz, and that's what you get when you haven't seen each other for ages...so much to catch up on...wish we went to see you earlier.
Though I haven't set foot on Norwegian soil, glad that my chocolates have found it's way there! We're still experiencing heat wave here and wouldn't it be just nice if you could send some snow here to bring equilibrium to the weather equation!
Salam to Trond and the kids!
3) My chocolate project which is slowly taking off with some CNY sale. So happened CNY fell on Valentine's day, which is celebrated by some, myself excluded.
A funny incident here: A friend of a friend bought herself a 15 piece box which was beautifully tied with a giant satin ribbon.
Reason: To extract some reaction from her seemingly uninitiated spouse, thinking that even if it didn't get her his attention, she would still get to enjoy the chocolates. Sounds logical isn't it? Nothing to lose and something to gain. Any smart investor would know when to bet all your chips!
Well , it did ~ cos he did give her an ~UMMM...?" when she replied she didn't know who it was from.
The thing is ...her kids didn't want her to eat the chocolates, screaming that since she didn't know who it was from, the chocolates could be charmed and she might forget all 3 of them!
Finally, she had to come clean and tell them actually she bought the box for herself!
Hmm...so much for trying to awaken the sleeping passion!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Untuk semua yang merindu dan di rindu/ bilik air penuh!
Senja...berulang rindu
dan ku sebut namamu
dalam suara yang bisu
engkau kah itu?
Dan ku ulang kembali
sewaktu dalam sunyi
nyanyian kata hati
rindu kah itu?
Biarkan kemesraan berlalu
bersama kesunyian yang padu
akan ku sebut nama mu selalu
namun ada rindu yang lebih dari itu
Kasih...di mana janji
dan kau terus kah lari?
dari ku yang menanti
engkau kah itu?
Suddenly I remembered this song and the singer.
The year was 1979 and the place was the lecture hall 1 at then IPT ( Institut Pengajian Tinggi) where we Asasians were having our lectures while some other lecture hall were occupied by the Law Faculty. After so many years, the building now houses the Faculty of Business and Accountancy.
While waiting for the next lecture to begin, Kelly (f) and I made a trip to the rest room. The corridor was quite narrow and it was a tight squeeze to pass by the undergraduates all waiting to enter the lecture halls. Finally we made it and did what we went to do.
Suddenly the door flung open and a male student entered the female rest room. Our initial reaction of irritation made way for gigglish recognition when we realised who the `bugger' was...none other than the singer himself!
`Ye,betul lah tu, saya Sudir, sorrylah dik, tak tahan dah, bilik air lelaki penuh!' accompanied by the naughtiest of chuckle.
Although at that time he was already doing nationwide tours, we quickly made our exit for fear of getting a free show!
Well...he did show signs of bursting his seams!
(Al Fatihah)
The year was 1979 and the place was the lecture hall 1 at then IPT ( Institut Pengajian Tinggi) where we Asasians were having our lectures while some other lecture hall were occupied by the Law Faculty. After so many years, the building now houses the Faculty of Business and Accountancy.
While waiting for the next lecture to begin, Kelly (f) and I made a trip to the rest room. The corridor was quite narrow and it was a tight squeeze to pass by the undergraduates all waiting to enter the lecture halls. Finally we made it and did what we went to do.
Suddenly the door flung open and a male student entered the female rest room. Our initial reaction of irritation made way for gigglish recognition when we realised who the `bugger' was...none other than the singer himself!
`Ye,betul lah tu, saya Sudir, sorrylah dik, tak tahan dah, bilik air lelaki penuh!' accompanied by the naughtiest of chuckle.
Although at that time he was already doing nationwide tours, we quickly made our exit for fear of getting a free show!
Well...he did show signs of bursting his seams!
(Al Fatihah)
Friday, January 29, 2010
Friday thoughts
Watch your thoughts Watch your words
| |
Thursday, January 28, 2010
My friend Lee
QUOTE: sometimes have to take things and life with a pinch of salt and maybe add sprinkling of lemon grass .... UNQUOTE
Just taking Lee's advise to take life non too seriously...(From the same source).......
Title: | Man posing in front of St. Andrew's Cathedral : front view |
Subject: | Architecture and Landscape>>Building Types>>Religious Buildings Ethnic Communities Cathedrals--Singapore--Photographs Men--Singapore--Photographs Chinese--Clothing--Photographs Arts>>Architecture>>Religious buildings People and communities |
Digital Publisher: | National Library Board Singapore, [194-?] |
Description: | This photograph shows a Chinese man dressed in a long-sleeved jacket and long white pants standing in front of St. Andrew's Cathedral. |
All Rights Reserved. National Library Board Singapore 2008. |
Hahaha...I had a good laugh, maybe there was just too much salt and lemon grass making my head spin...
Barefoot or not, clothed or loin-clothed, dark-skinned or fair, we are all human.
(No offense intended , just tickling your funny bone, hope you are laughing too.)
Monday, January 25, 2010
Some cheeky neighbor!
Do our neighbors really think this is how we look like?
This text accompanied the photo:
Title: | [A Malay man in traditional clothing : single] |
Subject: | Ethnic Communities Malays--Malaysia--Malaya--Photographs Malays (Asian people)--Singapore--Photographs Malays--Clothing--Photographs People and communities>>Social groups and communities |
Digital Publisher: | National Library Board Singapore, [19--?] |
Description: | This photonegative shows a Malay man, bare-bodied and barefoot, standing with his right arm akimbo and his left resting on the trunk of a palm tree. He wears a headcloth and a white cloth with its two ends dangling down in the front and rear of the lower part of his body. Title devised by Library staff. |
All Rights Reserved. National Library Board Singapore 2008. |
Dear neighbors,
Stop being cheeky and update yourself. The Malays , in your country or here, have not looked like that for many, many, many years. In fact that photo was that of an Orang Asli (no offence intended) also many, many, years ago.
The only reference to time is at the Digital Publisher (19--)
Be kind and neighborly, isn't that how you want us to be?
Can't we be friends?
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Tengku Shuib and his successors!


As he lowered himself onto the tikar sila, he looked so handsome I had to pinch myself to convince myself that I was not dreaming. This guy, who had won my heart after the many who tried and failed. My prayers were that God in HIS Grace would allow this love welling inside my heart to go on till the end of time.
After the formalities were done with, the imam who was to solemnise the marriage vows came and asked me if I agreed to this union. And what is a girl to say, in this instance? To say, YES! seemed so unbecoming of how a bashful Malay bride should behave. To say, NO! is completely opposite to the joyful thumping of my heart. So, I did what I have heard from some old wives, `Kalau diam, tu tanda setuju' (Loosely translated, to keep quiet is to give consent), I smiled, lowered my head and said nothing. That seemed to be enough for the kindly Imam and he took his seat infront of my groom.
With one utterance of Aku terima nikah nya, Anneaziz dengan maskahwinnya sebanyak ...I was bound to him in law and religion as his wife. The warm, fuzzy feeling welled in my heart and for the first time in my life, I knew and felt what deliriously happy meant. Tengku Shuib and I were free to chart our life together and that day was the first day of the rest of our life.
(This is not Tengku Shuib but the happiness on the bride's face mirrored her happiness. Courtesy to LOCOPhotography)
I would wake up every morning thereafter for the next few days with the same warm fuzzy feeling in my heart. Nothing could rile me and nothing made me cross, the weather was always sunny and beautiful and there was a smile always playing on my lips.
How could a dream give me so much joy? The feeling of loving someone and being loved in return warms the heart, even though it was just a dream. Many years have passed since that day, but I could recall distinctly how he looked that night we wed. In fact I can remember his name with certainty and his face is etched in my mind.
Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all~ so said Tennyson.
Thank you GOD for that experience of being in LOVE.
The second time I got married in my dream was to a face so familiar, it tickled my heart to this day. The groom is a singer cum actor and I must have watched him sing or act in a movie that evening before I plonked down for the night. Beatman, Yiko! WAKAKA! I still roll over laughing! The chances of such union is so remote that it is downright unthinkable. He would have to be blind and mute and dumb...
The third time was to a man with an old Malay name. It was just a dream that came and went and I cannot remember much of him or ` our marriage'. Except his kiss....
Dreams and its significance. Am I starved for love? Sometimes I ask myself...
Monday, January 18, 2010
Nostalgia 2nd part
Ok cat, I know I promised no more sad, nostalgic stuff, but this one is one for the road.
We'll have a meooooow of a time after this.
We'll have a meooooow of a time after this.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Dalam Ingatan
Hari Juma`at lepas, selepas kelas di PAKSI*, aku berlari-lari anak mengejar dia. Sebabnya? Hendak ambil buku catatan percuma yang diedarkan oleh PAKSI. Tujuan pemberian buku ini ialah untuk menarik minat sesiapa yang belum mengikuti kelas agama percuma setiap hari Juma`at untuk turut serta berilmu dan beramal.
Setelah memberi dan menjawab salam, bukupun bertukar tangan. Aku dan makngah bergegas ke restoran sebelah Menara Zakat untuk menjamu selera. Selalunya, kalau berdua, memang inilah rutin kami. Ikan keli goreng , ikan keli bakar, cecah air asam memang scavorite (aka favorite). Di selang seli dengan ulam-ulaman dan juga gado-gado, hmmm....memang sedap!
Di situ, aku sekali lagi terserempak dengan dia. Aku tegur lagi,`La, makan kat sini jugak ka?' Tersengih-sengih sambil mengangguk. Berseorangan dia hari ini aku fikir, selalunya isterinya ikut serta.
Pagi Ahad, aku menerjah kelas Ustaz Zainal Asri. Tauhid bukanlah kelas yang aku suka miss, sebab Tauhid perlu dipelajari dari GURU secara berdepan, dan Ustaz Zainal Asri adalah ustaz scavorite.
Pada penghujung kelas, kami diberitahu, bahawa dia telah dimasukkan ke WAD HD di Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah kerana stroke, pada masa itu tengah koma dan disyaki terdapat blood clot di otak.
Aku berkira-kira, bila nak melawat. Tapi pesanan coklat ku belum terisi, menyebabkan sehingga pagi semalam aku masih belum menziarah.
Akhirnya pada pukul 10 pagi semalam, aku mendapat berita bahawa Ust Rahman Putra telah menghembuskan nafas yang terakhir malam sebelumnya.
Rasa terkilan , rasa sedih, rasa marah pada diri tidak mendengar suara hati yang berbisik menyuruh menziarah orang yang sakit.
Dalam sekelip mata, tiada lagi antara orang yang bertungkus lumus di dalam kegiatan PAKSI. Paling ku ingati ialah kerana dia lah yang selalu menyelenggara urusan pembesar suara ketika kelas dijalankan.
Al Fatihah kepada aruah, juga seluruh muslimin muslimat yang telah meninggalkan kita. Semoga roh mereka ditempatkan di kalangan orang yang diredhoi oleh ALLAH.
Rasulullah s.a.w pernah bersabda bahawa apabila matinya anak Adam maka terputus amal ibadatnya kecuali tiga perkara, pertama : ilmu yang bermanfaat, kedua : sedekah jariah dan ketiga : doa anak-anak yang soleh.
*PAKSI ~ Pergerakan Kebajikan dan Sosial Islam, sebuah NGO Islam yang sedang bertungkus lumus mengumpul dana untuk mendirikan Darul Hadis di Tok Keling ASTAR)
How fragile life is...when it passes, it seems like it was a dream.
Setelah memberi dan menjawab salam, bukupun bertukar tangan. Aku dan makngah bergegas ke restoran sebelah Menara Zakat untuk menjamu selera. Selalunya, kalau berdua, memang inilah rutin kami. Ikan keli goreng , ikan keli bakar, cecah air asam memang scavorite (aka favorite). Di selang seli dengan ulam-ulaman dan juga gado-gado, hmmm....memang sedap!
Di situ, aku sekali lagi terserempak dengan dia. Aku tegur lagi,`La, makan kat sini jugak ka?' Tersengih-sengih sambil mengangguk. Berseorangan dia hari ini aku fikir, selalunya isterinya ikut serta.
Pagi Ahad, aku menerjah kelas Ustaz Zainal Asri. Tauhid bukanlah kelas yang aku suka miss, sebab Tauhid perlu dipelajari dari GURU secara berdepan, dan Ustaz Zainal Asri adalah ustaz scavorite.
Pada penghujung kelas, kami diberitahu, bahawa dia telah dimasukkan ke WAD HD di Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah kerana stroke, pada masa itu tengah koma dan disyaki terdapat blood clot di otak.
Aku berkira-kira, bila nak melawat. Tapi pesanan coklat ku belum terisi, menyebabkan sehingga pagi semalam aku masih belum menziarah.
Akhirnya pada pukul 10 pagi semalam, aku mendapat berita bahawa Ust Rahman Putra telah menghembuskan nafas yang terakhir malam sebelumnya.
Rasa terkilan , rasa sedih, rasa marah pada diri tidak mendengar suara hati yang berbisik menyuruh menziarah orang yang sakit.
Dalam sekelip mata, tiada lagi antara orang yang bertungkus lumus di dalam kegiatan PAKSI. Paling ku ingati ialah kerana dia lah yang selalu menyelenggara urusan pembesar suara ketika kelas dijalankan.
Al Fatihah kepada aruah, juga seluruh muslimin muslimat yang telah meninggalkan kita. Semoga roh mereka ditempatkan di kalangan orang yang diredhoi oleh ALLAH.
Rasulullah s.a.w pernah bersabda bahawa apabila matinya anak Adam maka terputus amal ibadatnya kecuali tiga perkara, pertama : ilmu yang bermanfaat, kedua : sedekah jariah dan ketiga : doa anak-anak yang soleh.
*PAKSI ~ Pergerakan Kebajikan dan Sosial Islam, sebuah NGO Islam yang sedang bertungkus lumus mengumpul dana untuk mendirikan Darul Hadis di Tok Keling ASTAR)
How fragile life is...when it passes, it seems like it was a dream.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
The one that nearly got away (updated)
It had been 4 frustrating months. The wait was fraught with anticipation and hope. Then, it finally happened.
It started with a fluttering sensation in the tummy area, something like being touched by butterfly wings. Then, it started to get uncomfortable, felt like gas, but it was not. Perhaps it was hunger, still it was not.
After a full day at work, I stole some time to visit him, my handsome OBGYN. From Paramount Garden in Sea Park to his clinic at Taman Tun took all of 20 min. That was when your existence was confirmed and another long wait started, i.e for you to make an appearance!
4 weeks after that, there was still no sign of a heartbeat . The kind doctor wanted to terminate, `Try again', he said, `you're still young'. And I thought, `No way!' I said,` We'll wait another week. Or two.' If I had listened to him that day, we would never have gotten to know one another!
As if on cue, there goes the racing heartbeat almost popping out of the scan monitor during the next visit!
At the end of the first trimester, because of you, I was given a long bed rest, threatening to drop out way, way before time! Injections and visits to Dr Idris put that threat to rest.
I hardly had trouble once you got settled in. Save for the intense kicking I got whenever I stood by the sink (I got away from washing a lot of dirty dishes because of that!), everything was smooth sailing, no morning sickness, no blues, fit as a fiddle! I never forget the old wives advise Veronica, my office mate gave, she said `You must drink orange juice and soya bean to give her fair skin, carrot juice to give her good eyes and good skin, papaya if you don't want to constipate' Looking at you now, I guess she knew what she was talking about! (Thank you Veron!, wherever you are, may God bless you)
So that was my daily menu for nine months! Two oranges squeezed fresh, 1 glass of soya bean, 1 glass of milky carrot drink and one slice of papaya daily! Boy, could I eat and drink! Not forgetting one McD sundae from the drive in at Ampang Park at about 11.30pm everynight!
At 34 weeks, my BP started to escalate. Despite a doctor's appointment every two days and a series of sick leave which I failed to take up (remember, I was fit as a fiddle!), it shot up uncontrollably. Dr Idris threatened to have me arrested for endangering your life. (Did you know that Doctors are allowed to do that? Yes, they can! Serious!)
At 38 weeks, 2 weeks ahead of schedule I was asked to check in. The Doctor was worried that I had failed to respond to medication.
`13 January, bright and early', the Doctor said, `we'll have to get her out'. Once he left for the night, I had my dinner and talked to my room-mate, a policewoman who was humongous with twins! At just about midnight 12 January, my water bag broke, still no pain, in fact there wasn't any until about 4.30am. And by 6.25 am, I became a mother and you, kiddo! became my sunshine!
Your `favoritest' song when you were a baby. Actually it was the only song with notes my voice could reach. Didn't matter to you then. Now when I sing, you tell me , MUM, pls don't murder the song....
My first question to the attending nurse was, How many fingers and toes does she have? (I should have asked, how many mouths!)
(Sorry, Ma malas nak cari pic, so I had to use one walaupun kakak enter frame, lagipun you told me, you don't like pic yang lawa-lawa!)
The venue : Klinik OBGYN Dr Idris, Taman Tun Dr Ismail
The date : 13 January 1990
The baby : YOU!
It started with a fluttering sensation in the tummy area, something like being touched by butterfly wings. Then, it started to get uncomfortable, felt like gas, but it was not. Perhaps it was hunger, still it was not.
After a full day at work, I stole some time to visit him, my handsome OBGYN. From Paramount Garden in Sea Park to his clinic at Taman Tun took all of 20 min. That was when your existence was confirmed and another long wait started, i.e for you to make an appearance!
4 weeks after that, there was still no sign of a heartbeat . The kind doctor wanted to terminate, `Try again', he said, `you're still young'. And I thought, `No way!' I said,` We'll wait another week. Or two.' If I had listened to him that day, we would never have gotten to know one another!
As if on cue, there goes the racing heartbeat almost popping out of the scan monitor during the next visit!
At the end of the first trimester, because of you, I was given a long bed rest, threatening to drop out way, way before time! Injections and visits to Dr Idris put that threat to rest.
I hardly had trouble once you got settled in. Save for the intense kicking I got whenever I stood by the sink (I got away from washing a lot of dirty dishes because of that!), everything was smooth sailing, no morning sickness, no blues, fit as a fiddle! I never forget the old wives advise Veronica, my office mate gave, she said `You must drink orange juice and soya bean to give her fair skin, carrot juice to give her good eyes and good skin, papaya if you don't want to constipate' Looking at you now, I guess she knew what she was talking about! (Thank you Veron!, wherever you are, may God bless you)
So that was my daily menu for nine months! Two oranges squeezed fresh, 1 glass of soya bean, 1 glass of milky carrot drink and one slice of papaya daily! Boy, could I eat and drink! Not forgetting one McD sundae from the drive in at Ampang Park at about 11.30pm everynight!
At 34 weeks, my BP started to escalate. Despite a doctor's appointment every two days and a series of sick leave which I failed to take up (remember, I was fit as a fiddle!), it shot up uncontrollably. Dr Idris threatened to have me arrested for endangering your life. (Did you know that Doctors are allowed to do that? Yes, they can! Serious!)
At 38 weeks, 2 weeks ahead of schedule I was asked to check in. The Doctor was worried that I had failed to respond to medication.
`13 January, bright and early', the Doctor said, `we'll have to get her out'. Once he left for the night, I had my dinner and talked to my room-mate, a policewoman who was humongous with twins! At just about midnight 12 January, my water bag broke, still no pain, in fact there wasn't any until about 4.30am. And by 6.25 am, I became a mother and you, kiddo! became my sunshine!
You are my sunshine,
My only sunshine,
You make me happy,
When skies are grey.
You never know dear
How much I love you
Please don't take
My sunshine away
My only sunshine,
You make me happy,
When skies are grey.
You never know dear
How much I love you
Please don't take
My sunshine away
Your `favoritest' song when you were a baby. Actually it was the only song with notes my voice could reach. Didn't matter to you then. Now when I sing, you tell me , MUM, pls don't murder the song....
My first question to the attending nurse was, How many fingers and toes does she have? (I should have asked, how many mouths!)
(Sorry, Ma malas nak cari pic, so I had to use one walaupun kakak enter frame, lagipun you told me, you don't like pic yang lawa-lawa!)
The venue : Klinik OBGYN Dr Idris, Taman Tun Dr Ismail
The date : 13 January 1990
The baby : YOU!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Feast your eyes on the view:
God is Great! The palm fronds must have been about 200 metres away
Taiping from the hilltop
Taiping Zoo and Night Safari.
The beautiful panther
Although the Night Safari is the only one of its kind in Malaysia, we did not make that trip cos many remarked that you don't get to see much in the night light. If you get to Taiping, don't miss a trip to the zoo.. Missed a lot of animals cos the digicam battery ran out!
Time was running out so the trip to the Perak Museum was short and sweet with just pics taken in the vicinity of the museum. Too bad cos Taiping Museum is the oldest in Malaysia.
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