Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The changing times

As a kid way back in primary school, we used to have a singing class! Believe it or not! But people who were there in St Nicholas around late 60's and 70's would remember the class being taken up by none other than the headmistress herself, the one feared by all pupils~ Ms Sibert (she passed away recently- God bless her soul), besides the `Poems to Enjoy' class (mentioned in Naz's post {Serenity Now} sometime back) (Try as i might, I can't recall any poems I tried so hard to memorize in those days save for a short excerpt of...a silver nutmeg on a silver tree...or something to that effect)

Anyway back to the main story, remember the song My Grandfather's Clock? I found the song on U tube...I may be just another makcik blogger but I love all things old and new.

Justify Full

Ms Sibert would rise in her grave if she hears how the song has been re-invented and re-engineered...but I just love it don't you? Have a listen...

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