Friday, July 17, 2009

A belated first schoolday experience

The first day at Children Corner (Chicorner as she used to call it), Mrs Lian greeted us and showed which class she was to be in. I specifically took a leave of absence in order to be there just to be on hand in case she needed her mummy. But she fitted right in, surrounded by her new found friends, while us anxious parents stood by watching. And she shooed me away! She told me not to embarrass her by hanging around, and that she was big enough to take care of herself.

On the first day of primary school, the day went by uneventfully for me. No wailing, no tugging, no crying, no...none of those experience for me. No such memories to tease her with, throughout her growing years. She loved afternoon school as she is such a midnight owl...and everything was smooth sailing until year 6. At one stage she was transferred to 15 different places in her class to contain her `chatterboxness'.

The same could not be said for her first day at boarding school. Although excited at the prospect of being away from mummy's instructions (aka nagging), she stood forlorn while waving us goodbye. That was to be the first of many many many trips to her school sometimes during mid week, normally for some kind of emergency requests...forgot this forgot that....After one full year, we both knew the best place for her was right here where the heart is~at home!

It was the same routine once she checked into her Matric College. Up and down the North South hiway, paid lots and lots of toll, made Samy Value very very happy. Finished that, and there was 2 months break before varsity opens. She was very much in her elements, enjoying her time at home, in her bedroom, finishing up yet another scrap book.

But really dear, if you could only see your face on registration at the varsity yesterday...I wanted to laugh but I didn't want to, not in front of you. That was the face I waited to see on your first day at kindy, first at primary not first at varsity.

My lil girl whose affectionate name is Lily is all grown up! You are about to embark on a new chapter, be happy! I'm happy for you! I miss having you, but I'm happy for you. Mummy's not going anywhere...I'll be here for all your weekend visits, short and long holidays, so go study and enjoy yourself. This is the first of many more happy days to come.

I love you girl and my doa for you is always yang terbaik dunia dan akhirat.



Naz in Norway said...

Bridges after bridges...
Here's wishing your darling Lily all the best in all that she decides to do.
Jangan mak dia mula main violin dah la....banjir satu msia...hehe!

anneaziz said...

Thanks Naz,

Hey I'm cool...anak kita ni...tak independent macam kita dulu-dulu. Salah kita jugak, masa kecik antaq pi skewl (their lingo for school) kat depan pagaq, ambik pun depan pagaq. Macam tu juga tusyen.

Her first weekend at USM was spent in Queensbay (the local Mall) Once she got herself mobile broadband, suddenly she's now all chirpy! Talk about getting connected!

kak ja said...

Rindu gak kat budak membonceng feri tu...